[These pages concern interesting correspondence between our translators and project managers at KENAX, mostly concerning the famous Jade Dynasty translation project.]

Glossary Terms Word English

Alright, next file.
Section 1 is too long to be tackled all at once and will be split into 4 subsections.

This is the repetitions file for 01_alpha

Like other reps file, actual word count is unknown. It’s worth 2629 words though. As before, use the glossary to insert all dictionary terms. The latest glossary currently is 09 June, which you should already have.


Rudiger has the following comments about the glossary wrt Section 2 file 182-185.


Please download and save a copy since the upload site is usually cleaned after 3-4 days.

I’ve read the comment and to be honest some of them doesn’t make sense to me. Not the German part, the English part. If you can’t make sense of it too, please contact Rudiger yourself.


I’ve just uploaded the proofreading files 166-169.


I’m sorry I did not reply yesterday – it turned midnight at my time zone and I was too sleepy to understand what i should do.
Please find attached the first lines of my file and first lines of the glossary. I kept the glossary sheet name same.

” no problem, here is the files back. Tell me if anything is unclear. ”

It is very embarrassing to admit, but it works only in the cells where you pasted it. When I copy it to other file and adjust the glossary name accordingly, it doesn’t work. If I look at the formula bar, I see a more complicated formula – =IF(VLOOKUP(A7,’C:\DOCUME~1\Uzivatel\LOCALS~1\Temp\Rar$DI03.625\[GlossarySample_.xls]NoDups’!A:B,2,FALSE)=B7,”correct”)

I tried to delete it, and to paste in the same cell the short formula you wrote – =if(VLOOKUP(A7;[GlossarySample.xls]NoDups!A:B;2;FALSE)=B7;”correct”) – and it immediately tells me the formula contains an error and doesn’t work. Is it possible that something is wrong in my Excel settings?

But weather I try to use this one or the short one, it just doesn’t work. I am sorry for taking of your time – but any ideas?


Sorry it took me a while to get back to you. Did you receive Karel’s last update on capitalization and the terminology formula (macro)?

Please set me know, I need you to try the macro on your excel and see if it works. There is a mountain of work, but this formula seriously simplifies it.


File 15i and report uploaded. Time: 2 hours

You can send me new files as soon as you want.




Great. You didn’t tell me exactly how much time was 15c – you said more then 2h, but I need exact time in minutes/hours.

Now all files that are left are lists of items. To work with them you need to have the macro Karel sent few days ago working. To my deepest shame I still can’t get it to work on my computer. Does it work on yours?


File 15c took me 2h50.

As for the macro, I spent quite some time yesterday trying to make it work with
‘s help but I’m afraid we failed too.

We tried different files with several formulas but nothing seemed to work. He said I should ask you to try and put me in touch with . But I guess if it’s not working on your computer either, that’s not good news.

Let me know if there’s anything I can do.



don’t worry, not embarrassing at all; Excel formulas can be terrible if you want to apply them to a computer that’s not your own.

My first guess is that the formula:
refers to my glossary sample which has been downloaded to a temporary folder (C:\DOCUME~1\Uzivatel\LOCALS~1\Temp\Rar$DI03.625). So if you only replace this string:
with [CompletePathOfTheGlossary]WorksheetWithGlossaryTerms! in my formula (the shorter one) it should work. If you have the glossary open, it should also work with just the filename instead of the complete path.
Also, it seems that the longer formula contains , instead of ; so it cannot work, but I’m not sure if that’s a matter of displaying or so.
Please tell me if that helps.


I tried the macro on a file, and it does not work. I am not expert in macros. I use Excel 2003, and I am searching in the Excel help at the moment in order to understand what is wrong.
Maybe you had other proofreaders with troubles ? How did they fix them, please ?



me again, to say that i am succesful with the macro. I had to change it a bit and it works now.

There was one bracket too much, and I changed the syntax for the matrix.

Please assign me files!



I uploaded files 10f and 10k as well as the reports.

Here is the hour count:
JD_100201_Localize_10f 2,5
JD_100201_Localize_10k 3

I should be done with 18m in a couple of hours. What do you want me to do next, help Emle with section 12 or check item files? Am I the only one who managed to use the macro? If so, I think I should check item files.
Please let me know.



Okay, I can’t wait any longer for 05_reps. If you are almost done and need only a few more hours, I’ll reconsider.

But otherwise please upload whatever you have ASAP so I can reassign it to someone else.

I’m very disappointed by the lack of progress. I’m clearing any future work off you so you can concentrate on the glossary, your other projects, and helping the others with the Excel macro.

Once you aren’t so busy juggling things, let me know and I’ll consider you again for translation work.


Congratulations, you are the only one who could make it work (me, Carine and

K are struggling with it helplessly). I asked  already 4 times and I am ready to give it up.

So let’s not waste time, and how you suggested – please begin with the item lists. Files 2d, 3a, 3b, 3c are yours.

When do you think you can make them with the aid of macro? I guess you will need to work one one file with macro and update other file where are gender marks and additions to terms like (LV75) etc.


Wow!!! Can you paste here your macro? I’m still struggling!
Files in few minutes.


Where can I see the word count for the last few files I did?


If I had known you were in trouble too…

The fact is there was one erroneous bracket. My expression which works is this one :
If you use an english version of Excel (I suppose so) you will have to change SI, RECHERCHEV and FAUX by the english equivalent, but you know it :




Can you confirm you want me to work on section 3 and not 4?
I proofed section 3 before “JD Rescue” and since then, glossary has been updated, so some terms are inconsistent with the glossary updates. Proofing section 3 should be really fast though – maybe 15 to 30 minutes per file – since I already worked on this file.

Please let me know.



no, I’m not almost done. I’m sorry it is this slow. It would in my opinion have been better to create shorter reps files like for the last project. Additionally, I was really slowed down by other work, as you know. I’m still of the opinion that it’s not very good to switch translators for reps files, but I cannot make this any faster. I assumed that a working and high quality (at least medium quality) glossary was vital to the project, so I put quite some time into that. Anyway, I’ll upload what I have, even though I would like to continue.


I don’t know if you have access to this page. If you don’t I can’t give you access. However, if you do, here’s the link.



Thanks. I had already received this link from Karel.

I’m not going to register with Google and make evreything even more complicated. I just want to know how much money I earned – normally one should learn about the word count before even starting with a project.



Karel wants me to have a PM assemble a large file with all section 1-6 and to clean it from gender marks, brackets and LV and have it function just for the formula.

So please wait I guess half hour, I will try to get this file done for you.

Do you make corrections if on the original files?

One more question – Karel also wants to have someone to make a list of terms to search and replace, like all versions of translation of Incense Valley etc. I feel it’s a waste of time because it will be visible when you go over the file with the formula what is correct and what is not. What do you think?


Okay, I will wait for the file.
I make my corrections in the original file only when I do not have to clean up the file first, otherwise, I copy the columns in a new file to avoid erasing anything in the original file by accident.

When I checked file 3a, I noticed that in the French glossary, plenty hove item use different “punctuation”.
For Example:
AAA : Métal
Is it okay to harmonize everything with a hyphen (YYY-Métal, ZZZ-Métal) or shall I stick to the glossary. If I have to stick to the glossary, it will be hundreds of manual changes. If I harmonize, it will take a couple of minutes through Search & Replace.

Regarding the list of terms to search and replace, I can, see it both ways. The formula will mark anything that is spelled differently – including leading and trailing spaces – as “FALSE”, but it will not do so for inconsistent capitalization. So “Valllée de l’Encens” will appear as “FALSE”, but “vallée de l’encens” will appear as “correct” (it should be “Vallée de l’Encens”). The formula just spots 100% matches. If Karel wants this list only for item files, I am not sure you really need it. If he wants to use it against other files, then yes, the list will have to be created.

I also checked the list of unproofed files, and it seems that they were all assigned. Can you confirm? I just want to be sure I did not miss any.


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