[These pages concern interesting correspondence between our translators and project managers at KENAX, mostly concerning the famous Jade Dynasty translation project.]

Files Work French Untranslated

It took us time to decide what to do with these files you still have. But we eventually would like you to spellcheck them + abbreviate according to what Karel said (no additional info available) + to try to improve terminology. Use your judgment what to do with each file to be able to do it in timely manner (I need the files before dead end, best – tomorrow morning).

To make the work a bit faster, I recommend you to download from here: http://translationstop.com/files/FTP/ latest German glossary in Excel format. That’s what I use – it is faster and takes less resources then running Transit in the same time. File name is GERMAN_MAIN__2504.xls. Hope it helps.

What you have are not all files form this group, I have few more, I will send them within 1h.

Please confirm receipt.

” Uh, I checked and double-checked, I don’t think they’re there at all. Can you reupload them tonight, please?

Words in these files are glued, I do not know where I have to place hyphen. There are virtually no hyphens. Moreover, in the 3b file, points in the words are misplaced and it is impossible for me to place them rightly. I have tried to do them several times – but stopped because of these mistakes.

S” ok, I see confirmed. ”

Please vet French files;

Please confirm.


I have vetted the last French files. I don’t have any comments for you cencerned it.
Waiting for new files.


I received files.


don’t worry about these files. Better please do these French files:

The files are urgent, but we don’t have time to re-vet files any more. Please work carefully, and leave only comments to proofreader (or me, if there is something you are not sure about).

Please confirm.


It has taken me almost an hour (sometimes more) for the files I have done so far, so I will not be able to do all the files until tomorrow morning. I will do what I can, but this is very slow-going work. Sorry.


Correction – form this rar file please begin with 19c,d and 19f.

Please confirm.

If you find untranslated lines – please let me know ASAP!!! And if I’m already sleeping – e-mail +Karel. Do you have their mails?


ok, I will start vetting from the files 19c,d,f.
If I am not receiving replies from you , I am mailing to Karel and (I got they email).
In the case of untranslated lines – I ll let you know ASAP.






In file 15l – Plus in line 155.
I am doing the next.



File 19c looks quite ok.
It contain mostly names. Some of them untranslated (but it can be).
Is it ok if I wont mark all those?



And another question – if the names really should be put into quotation makes?
Or – to erase them?


Keep the quotation marks. Don’t mark untranslated if it is not obvious mistake.


Vetted and uploaded. In the file 15m there are some fractures in the end of the file like 3.3. I have not changed them.



I will be off-line from now. Congratulations on this nice Holiday!



Are you already without files?


I still have to vet
I guess I’ll accomplish them not later than in 1 hour.


8k, 15p,k are vetted.
Now I’m without files.


Files 19c,d,f are uploaded.
19f and some cell 19d needs on aligning checking.
In the comments-only plus checking.
In general files look pretty good.



These 2 files is also from the unproofread ones. Found here:
Index of /files_PM/reInserted_files


If you don’t have time for both, please at least check 11g.
This is a message from , our technology PM:
11g has Warning, row item missing. I think at row 621 somehow it inserts 5 blank lines. Please have the vettor delete the 5 blank rows and see if it aligns.

11g MUST BE vetted and alignment ASAP. This way if the error is something other than the 5 blank lines, I will have time to look into it further. If there’s actually a missing line, let me know immediately and I’ll tell the vettor what line it’s supposed to be.
Bug-fixing this manually will take hours, so I’d rather tell the vettor/spellchecker what the translation is.

Please try to do it ASAP.


Here are two German files in one rar. Please vet them.

They are urgent, but I understand you also need to sleep 🙂 So when you can.


OK, do you want to do them first? Or to finish first 19a,b?
And you have not assign me before for 19e (the only file from the folder I was not assign with). Please confirm you dont want me to vet 19e.


Then don’t do it. If you already did some – write your hours, but I think there is other solution we will try. There was an issue with export we now solved.

So no files for tonight.


I have done two more.
I could do a few tonight if you still need me to, but I am afraid all until tomorrow morning will be impossible.

3a 2h (I have tried to change all wrong terms I have stumbled upon…)
4a 30 mins



I received the files.
You can assing to me at least 3 more files for today(excluding 2 above).
I can work 3 more hours today. Everything else-in the morning. Thank you for taking care of my health :-), but I never fall asleep earlier than at 2:00. And now It’s only 22:55 here.


I don’t see the file. Where is it located?


Everything’s ok. It has just appeared on FTP.


What should I do with such locations?
Arcanum Hermit Shoes♀ – Arkane Eremiten♀Schuhe


As far as I understood I have to correct such things this way:
Corrected: Arcanum Hermit Shoes♀ – Arkane Eremiten Schuhe♀
Am I right?


2c3b_DEU_resend.rar is vetted


The vetted files 11e,g are uploaded.
Comment only 11e-plus.

We have sorted out with his doubts about 11g.Nothing big.Apparently, he was afraid of 17i story repetition.



The vetted files 19a,b are uploaded.

Not the easiest files. The string a bit messed up and separate the words in the middle. What I could do – I did.
Not many left though.
I hope only I could recognized all “tricky” places.
One more time attention to 19e-I was not assign to it
I am going to bed late tonight.
If you dont mind I ll take some sleep a bit longer and will be ready for work at 9.00am Ukrainian.
But,if you will need me earlier, feel free to wake me up.
Just give me couple rings on +38093 330 77 30, I wont pick up, but will be awake.



We still don’t have 12m. There’s a file called 12m that you uploaded, but that file doesn’t actually contain FR 12m.
Please upload them together with the files from section 15.


” please let us know your availability for this last day. Project due tonight Europe time.

Karel told me you are available, and ready to help.
I need help with your files form sections 2-5.

I am attaching some of these files in Excel format. Please abbreviate the Proper Names to 31char. I am also attaching the file which contains the 31char macro. All you need is to have it open when you are working on the file, and press ctrl+Q short-cut. All cells which are longer, will color yellow.

When finished, please delete any yellow markings. Additionally, please scroll the files to see comments in column C. Some of them are irrelevant (vettor writes that he/she deleted a period or so), but some indicate +marks. Please don’t leave any unresolved issues and delete all comments from the files. If they are not spellchecked, please spellcheck them as well.

As you know, the files are an urgent matter.

Please upload files here, compress them as the system does not accept Excel files. I would appreciate if you could return them in bunches of 2-4 files at the time, it will also give me little time to check the file last time before I upload it.

Please confirm.


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