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Unfortunately, I was not able to salvage all the files, although perhaps some
time in the future. I stored them all on the ancient floppy (I mean floppy)
disks, and could only salvage one of the files, which I pasted below. Also,
couldn't get the Czech characters properly converted, since it was all written
on a rather obsolete Czech program.
I wrote in abbreviation in both Czech and English, so it may be difficult to
<EK 38>
- Prague Stock exchange opened Dubna 6, '93
- trades listed..
- so far: kotavanÿch papiru -
189.7M Kç
ne "" >66.5M
p⌐imé obchody >96.8; obligace - 244.4M;
akcie - 6.9M; podílové listy 4.9M
<EK 36>
- imp.xpt. data: see photocopy 2a & 2b.
- from July 15, '93; to receive 'Czech Made':
- must be made here (or >or= 60%)
- nebo do¿lo zmênê charakteru
zboæí procesem provedenÿm v ÇR
- must have company name first listed in ÇR
- must fill hygenic, safety, fire norms etc. within state regulations..
- rules vary by product classes etc.
- licence good for one yr. - can be removed if quality drops etc. (periodically
- may get fined up to 50,000 Kç, breach of regulations etc.
<EK 35>
- law for privatization (st. pod.) added toaltered 5 times so far, each with
major effect (Aug., '93)
- none though deals with the remaining unpriv.
- 113M Kç in grants for remaining st. pod.
- firm types still yet to be priv.:
1) social services; admin.; recreational arranging
2) property, realestate
3) flatsappartments
4) firms to be restituted
5) firms unusable in mkt.
6) firms with unrealized transfer contracts
- some may remain (st. pod), ie- gov't services. Others trashed altogether
<EK 34>
- bankrupcy situations may create domino effect, endangering citizens' savings;
may nedd gov't support
- new tax laws written regarding depreciation
<EK 34>
- firma Transfinance - invoice firm
- buy claimsoutstanding debt (pohledávka) of Czech exporters
- largest of its kind in ÇR
- která kupuje pohledávky çeskÿch
vÿvozcu from abroad on its account, afterwhich insuring not only debt covering
the pohledávek, but above all the operation's financing
- important for many firms (some have bankrupted as a subsequent)
- wants to expand its function to domestic trh (due to volatile nature in
foreign dealings..)
- last yr., vÿnosu >15M Kç: 6-10%
Scandanavia, 5% Beneluxu, 11-12% Fr. Br. & Ireland, <10% SRN.
- preparing spolpr. with various banks. Interested in SR.
<EK 31>
- >first wave: 5.5M shareholders
ÇR, own 198M akcií v nominální hodotê
<EK 31>
- Poland: '90 HDP dn 11.6%, ind. prdn dn 24.2%;
'91 dn 11.9%; other data..
- took out, supplied pp.4c.
- want to allow enterprising in field of energy (under gov't regulation)
<EK 27>
- p⌐edstavitelé ÇKD Praha a.s. &
AEGT Westinghouse, Bahnsytm(?) on 22.6.93: spol. firmu na vÿrobu kolejovÿch
vozidel. SRN firm to get 55%
- 1.7.94: want to liberalize licencing for business activity (here..)
- gov't wants to up budget spending (due to increases in revenue) by 10B Kç (for
second half '93)
- V b⌐eznu '93 ÇNB first emisi
cennÿch papíru na F capital trzích: increased its reserves
- summary of HUNGARY - bunch of data..
Podíl ÇSFR & Polsko na Maâ: '90 '91 '92
xpt. 5.7 4.3 4.8
imp. 6.7 6.0 5.9
'88 '89 '90 '91 '92
ÇS xpt. 1309 1413 1637 3195 5391 M Kç
imp. 825 813 1368 5427 15481
saldo bilance 484 600 271 -2232 -10090
'92 ÇR: exp. - 4056 (75.2%, of SR); imp. - 13782 (89%)
- last few yrs., main xpt ÇS:
chmel; tires; chem. products; p⌐íze; prádlo; sklo etc.; ceramic products;
válcovanÿ materiál; trubky; tractors; textile; polygrafické & obrábêcí stroje;
komponenty & náhradní díly; loæiska; osvêtlovací za⌐ízení; nábytek; konfekçní
vÿroby; obuv; mêricí p⌐ístroje; hraçky; sportovní pot⌐eby; biæuterie; hudební
nástroje; ⌐ada ruznÿch hotovÿch prumyslovÿch vÿrobku.
main imp. ÇS: bavlna; hovêzí kuæe;
textilní, obrábêcí, potraviná⌐ské & speciální stroje; telecom. za⌐ízaní; elektr.
vÿrobky; léka⌐ské, kontrolní & mê⌐icí p⌐ístroje; rÿæe; kuku⌐ice; obolí; káva;
cem. produkty; sklo; knihy; çasopisy aj.
- impxpt. látek (po¿kozujících
ozonovou vrstvu) návrh: to require licence..
- návrh, giong through gov't
quickly, for tightening of regulations regarding bezpeçnostních sluæbách (to be
transferred into responsibility of Ministry of Interior)
<EK 17, 22-28 Dubna>
- '92 ÇS: 83.5M tourists - 28.8% up from yr. before (by 18.7M)
- 67.8M to ÇR (81.2%), a 33.2% up from yr. before
(15.7M to SR, 18.8%; 12.8% up "" )
- 94.8% (ÇS) stopped to buy
- 0.1% came by boat (Dunaji & Lobi), 1.1% by plane (up 24.6%), 4% by train (dn
- greatest increase únor & prosinec (mimosezónni)
- stagnation for strongest mo. srpen indicates limitations in accomodation
- to ÇR 186,000
- 45.5% asked (on way out) said slept over at least one night
- (42.2% from SRN)
- ÇNB calculated tourists '92 left 1.1B K$
- showing a yrly. up 132.3% (infl. taken into consideration): which = a 9.5% of
xpt. ÇS '92 (same as with Austria, another popular tourist place..)
- each person spent approx. 16.6$ ('92), low..
- photocopied: refer to -4j-m-
<EK 14, 1 to 7 Dubna>
(p⌐íloha); hotels - refer to photocopy pp.6b
- U.S. gov't travelling expenses (diety) for hotels: Prague @ 230$day, second
only to Tokio @ 295$day.
- lump sum ubytování: Prague 174$day; Paris 125; London 124; Brussels 145$day
- in comparison to Vienna, Prague has greater quantity of hotels; quality will
require further I (to catch up..)
- comparison (chart) ÇR to Finland
-ie- HDPperson Finland '89 15,030; ÇS 8370
xpt "" '90 5,341; 766
imp "" 5,412; 847
- article on Seat
- VW got 51% '86 - now 3rd with VW (znaçkou)
- vÿroba (Seat & VW in Spain):
'91 - 552,210; '92 - 578,432.
- prodej (Seat only) '91 '92
domestic 100,551 104,882
xpt 254,818 252,313
- article on Poland (econ. stats..)
- saldo bilance '89 '90 '91 '92 (M Kç)
(with ÇS) -47 -6,976 8,868 2,740
- chart ÇS imp. & xpt. Polsko by commodity
- real estate vÿvoj for Budapest,
Praha, Warsaw, Moscow (article on..)
- office rent: Budapest 50-55 DMm2mo.
30-35 (st⌐ední kvalita)
Praha approx. 60 DMm2mo.
Warsaw "" 50 ""
Moscow 750-1000$m2yr (duben, '93)
<EK 17>
- before leaving communism:
ÇS - 4,800 large state entrpr.
Maâ - 2,200; Pol - >9,000 (95% ind.)
- koncem '90 ÇS çínil dluh F only 4% Maâ & 1% Polsk.
- helped in large stat. pod. privatization (?)
- in ÇS & Maâ no massive opposition (therefore priv. easier)
- Maâ - mainly interested in attaining F contacts for direct I (in state entr.)
- ÇS - breaking up state entr. via coupons..
- Pol - zapojilo va velké mí⌐e
vedení & zamêstnance ze státnênÿch podniku (along with other stategies..)
- to end '91 Maâ got >12 I (total of tree) (head start..)
- Polsko - 1st 12 '92 - 80% priv. went to liquidation (to hands of wrkrs. etc.)
- ÇR - p⌐es nemalÿ podíl FI (VW
into ¢koda @ 6B DM largest in region (?)) byl hlavní prulom do priv. by
big state entr.
- once inv. fondy got in: 8.5M investors (ie- coupons) were involved
- all states resistantreluctant handing st. pod. to F (via red tape, restit.
- also more difficultcomplex than originally anticipated (slowing down whole
- of three, Maâ made greatest
gains, because: a) most open to FI (incentives etc.), b) decentralization of
whole process (roz¿i⌐uje pravomoc mngmnt: more interesting for FI)
- unfortunately, big podíl FI in priv. put entrpr. into tough financial
position(?): now interested in coupon method
- too early to decide for ÇR (first wave just over..)
- Polsko, priv. process slowing down (>45% HDP now from priv. sector) - seeking
newalternative methods to speed up (process..)
- VW stated wages (its wrkrs) S.Africa 3x higher than ÇR
- see prdk. comparisons, photocopied pg.6a
<EK 29>
- çervna - budget surplus up from 4.8B to 5.6B Kç
- end May - saldo F obchod >6.7B Kç (3.5B to SR)
- state dluhopis 162B Kç
- penêæní zásoba ÇR (1st 5 mo.
'93) up 2.6% by 15.4B Kç
- projekt dosaæitelnÿch úspor
elektrické energie ÇR: Ontario Hydro (Canada) & a.s. ÇEZ - first phase to be
podporovaného by Cdn. gov't; should be completed by end Aug.
- general info: see photocopy -6c-d-
- budget info: "" -6e-f-
- starting beginning '94 - rent controls to go up by as much as 40% in some
areas (?)
- byl podmínên vy⌐e¿ením systému
sociální compensation jeho dopadu na vÿdaje nízkop⌐íjmovÿch domácností - state
budget to set aside 12B Kç(?)
- will help in incentive for upgrading; promote I]
- differentiation in p. will begin to parallel quality & location.. (up 20%
max., by location alone)
- homes built > 30.çervnu '93 - no rent controls..
<EK 29, pp.30> 15-21 çervenec
- jednotlivÿch (Kç) CP (cennÿch
date trh kotovan trh nekotovan CP Celkem
stát. dluh obligac. akcie+PL____________
6.4 1,239,920 597,670 81,760 2,019,350
20.4 5,680,440 845,960 194,250 6,720,650
27.4 3,617,653 1,150,620 89,010 4,857,283
4.5 7,840,200 223,230 0 8,063,430
11.5 10,967,060 1,560,050 505,200 13,032,310
18.5 4,131,430 2,047,260 420,440 6,599,130
- CSAEF - Çeskÿ & SR Americkÿ
Podn. fond (bol zriadenÿ vládou USA v marci 1991 na podporu rozvoja tÿch malÿch
strednÿch súkromnÿch):
Typy transakcií - ÇR:
zaçínajúce podniky (10) $3,050,000 @ 29%
joint venture ( 3) 2,006,000 19
Roz¿íeném podn. ( 6) 1,600,000 15
Privatiujúce ( 2) 3,862,000 37%
- (celkem projekt 21 @ 10,518,000$)
SR: ( 28 13,286,000$)
zaç.. (15) $6,430,000 48%
joint venture ( 5) 3,332,000 25
Roz.. ( 9) 3,524,000 27%
- CSAEF helps finance too..
- rust HDP (v %) rust unempl.
,92 '93 '94 '92 '93 '94
Eur. OECD +1.0 -0.3 +1.8 9.9 11.4 11.9
all 24 OECD +1.5 +1.2 +2.7 7.9 8.5 8.6
SRN +2.0 -1.9 +1.4 7.7 10.1 11.3
- "ÇR banks are opening doors into Khazastan"
<EK 16, pp.38>
- article on expected agric. developments for '93
- 'mírnÿ optimismus'
- '92 objem dn. 12%
- charts, etc.
- PHARE (National program for helping in reforming process..): photocopied,
- some goals of project:
- creating strategies for particular sectors
- restruct. & priv. of firms
- increasing competitiveness of
firms v podmínkách træní ekonom...
- sektorová skladba projektu zahrnuje: 28.2% textil ind., 20.2% chem., 16.7%
strojírenství, rest <10%.
- citizen poll - hodnocení
hospodá⌐ské situace a æivotní úrovnê Dec. '92:
dobrá 9.2% ani dobrá,
spí¿e dobrá 17.2 ani ¿patná 42.2%
spí¿e ¿patná 23.0
¿patná 7.6 nevím 0.8
<EK 3, pp.15>
- general overview Macro '92 (to be photocopied..)
- nklady (uhelného hornictví): '93 2.8B Kç; '94 2.48B Kç; '95 1.9B; '96 1.5B.
- koksovatelného uhlí approx. 7% cheaper than imp.(exclud. those dumped from
Polsko, SNS)
- çerného energ. uhlí 30% cheaper
- brown coal 30-50% cheaper
- gov't to support setting aside reserves of 1% (roçní poptávky), to dn.
dependency on imp., & smoothen cyclical swings - to be photocopied (p.9c)
- to be photocopied (p.9d) - info on small & medium-sized firms
<EK 3, p.52, 14-20 ledna '93>
- Bankrupt situation Poland-
- 1st 9 mo. '92 - 2x æádostí for
bankrupcy than in all '91
- have bankrupcy laws into effect already 2 yrs.
- guess podniky to owe 100'sB PLZ
<EK 11, p.15, 11-17 B⌐ezna>
- vÿvoz ÇSFR, '92:
ES 162,824.9M Kç 49.42%
ESVO 35,273.6 10.70
bÿvalé RVHP 70,863.5 21.51
ostatní Evr. stát. 10,508.3 3.18
Asia 31,513.3 9.56
Afrika 6,897.9 2.09
Amerika 10,733.4 3.25
Australia 742.4 0.22
Oceánie 60.2 0.01
- podíl skupin rizikovosti na
celkovém vÿvozu ÇSFR '92: see photocopy (9e.)
- progress of E>Germany:
- '91 dosahovaly hodinové mzdy 60% (?)
'92 up 20% ("")
- E.Berlin - mzdy v úklidovÿch
sluæeb - vyrovnaly
stavebnictví - dosáhlo 75%
textil &
odêvním prumysl. - 50-55%
(this last the greatest drop in
vÿroba & empl.)
- hruby mêsíçní vÿdêlek - v ind.
'90 - @ 35%
'91 47%
- photocopied (9g) ie- prdk. gains
- estimates call for reaching W.Germ. in 10-15 yrs.
- after joining, hrubÿ prumêrnÿ
p⌐ijem (tax) up from 15 to 33.2% (infl. pressures)
- cenovÿ index to end '91 up by
- '91 - East çinnil prumêrnÿ p⌐íjem
domácnosti 55% (of West)
v dêlnickÿch '' 66%
- t⌐íçlenné dêlnické & wrkrs
dispoibilní p⌐íjmy up 66% from '89 to end '91
- at same time vÿdaje up 250% (nájem,
up 10% (food)
- therefore '91 dn. reálnÿch p⌐ijmu
for >3M domácnosti
- some regions (ie- têæby uhlí
jiænê od Lipska) enempl. as high as 50-70%
<EK 9, p.p⌐íloha>: taken out - "Bytová Politika", some interesting stats (see
<EK 48, Nov 25>
- priv. % of HDP now at 44%
- HDP should up by 0.5-1% over '93; infl. approx. 19% ('93)
- unempl. up SRN: W. 2.75M, E. 1.27M - overall @ 11.5%
- puvodní spolk. zemê, expect 0%
up HDP
bÿvalou NDR 7.5% up
- int'l bank for obnovou & rozvoj to give Maâ 100M$ loan for rozvoj energetiky:
15 yrs., 7% úroku
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