> There are two kinds of statmements in the world. One
> is evidendital, that is, "two plus two is four." It's
> always "four" and I can demonstrate that.
Actually, very funny you mentioned this, because this is one of my arguments
when proving the existence of God, as I demonstratably can prove that 2 plus 2
does NOT equal four, meaning that one can never be sure of anything. And I will
demonstratably argue my point now, as I am sure you will ask anyway. So, what is
ten? Ten being the basis of our numbering system. Ten is the number of fingers
we have on our hands, which is why we humans have chosen ten as our basis for
our numbering system. Ten has nothing to do with the universe. Three does, as in
the trinity. Four does, as in the four corners of the earth, or a square. Pie is
a natural number, and we can go on, but ten is essentially nothing more than a
means for a little child to count using its fingers.
Now, in our simple little human brains, we count with our fingers in a linear
pattern, as in two dimensionally. This concept has been brewing in my mind
forever, until one day I read an article of how a genius, Buckminster Fullerene,
a genius mathematician and who designed the geocentric dome and all sorts of
other things, argued for the very same numbering system which I have been
postulating, which is a three dimensional numbering system. Do we live in a two
dimensional world? Then why is our numbering system, which we use to describe
the universe and apply it in all our science and technical descriptions, have to
be two dimensional. Furthermore, with a two dimensional numbering system, the
natural number pie is 2.7174398439824938… or something retarded like that, which
is only further proof that a two dimensional numbering system is flawed. I have
always imagined that it would be something like 1, and then 1,2,3, and that it
then branches from that somehow. What Buckminster proposed was that the one
could be an equilateral triangle and making one side of a perfect pyramid. Then,
if you add one plus one plus one of these two dimensional triangles, you get
four, which are the four sides of the this pyramid. When mentioned to children,
most of them understood and immediately accepted this concept, unlike old farty
adults who are jaded and set in their ways, as they are. Well, I don’t know if
his is the correct approach either, but after this, I believe I can argue that
1+1+1=4, and hence one can never be sure that 2+2=4. Maybe on a linear level,
like two oranges plus two oranges makes four oranges, but you would first have
to state that you are counting on a linear, two dimensional plane.
> The other kind of statment is one of conviction or
> faith. "God exists." But where is the evidence?
I believe I can easily prove this. Harder of course to someone who doesn’t
believe, but that’s probably because they are denying his existence and are
being rebellious. I believe everyone deep down admits there is a God, but choose
the convenience of denying his existence so that they can do what they want,
serve their selfish selves, and justify themselves in the process. When I used
to read a lot of philosophy, I fancied I was an aethiest, following a childhood
when I naturally believed a God. After almost a decade of this, I managed to
come full circle back to believing, against my will, and still some ten years
after that, after reflecting much and digging into my memory and the deep
confines of my brain, I realised that the whole time I fancied that I was an
aethiest it was actually a protest against God, and why I was dabbling in all
these philosophies. Now I can’t say with certainty that everyone is the same,
but I believe they are. I mean, when the shit really goes down, who does
everyone instinctively call in first? When someone is near death, I’ve seen how
they quickly fall down on their knees and express so much sincerity towards God
that it’s funny. Only to be embarrassed later when they are miraculously saved,
and immediately start to deny it all so that they can get back to their selfish
I feel I can prove God’s existence in many ways, but that a rebellious
unbeliever will always be able to find some (bullshit) argument refuting mine.
> All of the most important things in our lives are
> intangible. Love, hate, fear, sadness; Faith. They
> exist in our hearts and minds.
Don’t have a computer dictionary or am not online now, but what is
intangible? Something you can’t touch? Can you touch the sun? The sky? Will you
argue it is not there? Will we argue that love does not exist just because
modern science is incapable of measuring and quantifying it? Then we can always
get into a Decarte argument that perhaps nothing around us exists and that it is
all some fabricated electrical impulses duplicating feeling and visual
perception, etc.
> Is war the only outcome for those who disagree about
> how we should interpret things that we feel but can't
> proove?
I believe I answered my hypothesese for the reasons of war yesterday, and
that it has little to do with different people having different outlooks or
perseptions on things.
Now to get to you email this morning.
I believe God clearly says in the bible and the Qur’an that we should love
our neighbours, turn the other cheek when slapped, be giving and forgiving, etc.
etc. But it is always the evil human who distorts things for their own greedy
purpose. When down here in Turkey, like the other countries I travelled to, I
like to read up on local history and culture. Did you know that the Islamic
faith is an Abrahamic one? Meaning that the Islamists worship the same God of
the Jews and the Christians. Sure, they do not believe in the Trinity, or that
Jesus is the son of God but only a prophet, and they even accept koshur food
prepared by Christians if they can’t find their own priest, but are these subtle
differences really a reason to kill ourselves over? And then there is this big
Sunni and Shia rift I recently read about. Basically Mohammed croaks one day,
and immediately you have two factions developed arguing who is supposed to
continue on after Mohammed. One faction says it should be his blood offspring,
while another argues that it should be one of his educated colleagues and the
choice should not be made based on blood but rather education and spiritual
qualities. So now in Iraq, for example, you have these two factions killing each
other and hating each other with venomous intensity over such a stupid issue.
Only stupid humans can come up with something like this and I rather resent it
when humans point their finger at God, like he has anything to do with this.
I’ve heard there is twice as much food on this planet to feed everyone. So it
becomes a matter of distribution, and all those lazy assess in the west
sacrificing something from their selfish lives to make sure people in other
areas can live a decent existence. Or we can branch this discussion into the
forever, talking about how free trade is benefitting the rich and screwing the
poor, with the IMF and all that, and how people behind the "new iron curtain"
(that just popped in my head), fed disinformation by the media, increasingly
controlled by the government, and live obliviously in their comfortable lives
while the people at the top screw the poor disadvantaged countries over to make
themselves and their own population poorer. But of course the average layman
will point their finger at God, blaming him. And using this as a basic argument
that he therefore does not exist. But the bible explains in rather great detail
why such injustices exist. It is because man is a vile and selfish creature, and
he will pay for his life. People do what they do because they believe they can
get away with it. God helps out where he does and in his mysterious way, but if
one person walks up to another and punches them in the face, it happens
precisely because of that and the punched in the face one cannot blame God.
Sure, in his mysterious way, God can influence the events of person’s B day to
steer him away from A, so that the incident does not happen, but how can God
steer us if we do not listen to him or are so absorbed in our own agenda, and
distracted by the billion things around us, that we couldn’t even listen to him
if we tried, or wanted to listen to him. But the common argument will be, "I got
punched in my face today for no reason of my own, therefore God does not exist".
As far as I’m concerned this is an easy copout argument of the masses, but that
they deep inside know it is a fallacy.
And lastly, you asked me what does God mean to me. That’s a pretty heavy
question, but I’ll try not to blab about this forever and just make as concise a
response as possible.
God is always there when I need him.
God is a Spirit of love that keeps me going. If I start to drift away from
him and do things that hurt his living spirit within me, I will feel emptiness
return to my life, but because God loves me he will discipline me and teach me a
better way.
God is an integral part of my awareness. I constantly talk and pray to him.
Sometimes he turns his back on me, it seems, but I feel his concern. There was
in fact one point in my life that I had to question my own existence, because I
found myself doing something I did not plan for, now was really conscious of.
I’ve often reflected on this and have to believe that our thoughts are put into
our heads, where we simply make a choice between various alternatives. Sometimes
I come up with master genius plans, but I don’t remember ever sitting down and
actually devising any portion of it. In some simple and logical manner. No, the
entire master plan slowly comes into focus for me, in all its beautiful
entirety, coming into focus based on the limitations of my brain to comprehend.
Then, when I finally perceive the big plan or scheme or design in its full
entirety, I have to marvel at it, and I credit myself for being such a genius.
No, now I understand and am aware of the ideas that constantly flow into my
brain from outside. Like on TV when there is a little devil and a little angel
above someone’s head, feeding them different ideas. The person just makes a
choice between them. And this is on a constant level. Sure, someone can argue
that our consciousness only takes up about 6% of our brain’s capacity, and that
the remaining is some murky zone where all sorts of wonderful things happen, but
I do not credit the murky zone for all these idea. And you can include dreams,
through which the bible says God tests us, or sends us warnings. One only has to
analyse one’s dreams to understand that it is not some random repeat of daily
events but that they are actually being tested.
So God is the summation of all spiritual energy in the universe. Nature is
God’s body. It is a fundamental law of physics that everything moves towards
disorder, meaning lawlessness and randomness. I certainly do not see randomness
in nature, so some force is obviously steering things. And I see it in the
amazing ways animals cooperate with one another, and nature, and how nature is
perfectly tuned within itself on a mathematical, musical, and geometrical level.
All these things have been proven in the past. So for me, all matter is the body
of God which was created from the big bang on one thought. God the spirit force
and energy before the big bang, and who decided, "Let there be matter and let’s
start creating things". As far as I’m concerned, there is life out there in the
universe. There are one million times one million stars in our galaxy, and one
million times one million galaxies in the universe. In our own galaxy we are on
the outskirts and a very young star, and very early in our
evolution/development, so it is logical that there are much more developed
civilisations towards the centre of the galaxy. And anyone who thinks that, out
of one million times one million times one million times one million stars
(that’s 24 zeroes, if anyone can comprehend that figure), we are the only life
force out there, and that just because we do not get a response from any of
those lifesources from our piddly developed radio signals confirms this is so,
such people might as well believe the world is flat and that all those stars in
fact revolve around us. This, after all, is the simple perception of a vain
ignoramus who looks out from the confines of their little brain and perceives
and judges everything according to how they themselves see it.
So from my understanding of the bible, and one might argue my quaky self, we
are in the barbaric stages of development of planet earth, and God has handed us
over to ourselves.
Everything was made perfect, and people were allowed to eat from any fruit of
the garden of Eden, except from the fruit of knowledge of good and evil. "If you
shall eat of this fruit, you will certainly die [die means to fall away from the
living Spirit of God], because you are not a discerning enough creature to be
able to handle such knowledge. You will not be able to manage yourself if you do
not heed my advice." But people are curious, and easily deceived. So God was one
day walking among the people, like he often liked to, but could not find them
(of course, he knew where they were, but this is figurative, for our little
brains). He called out for Adam and asked where he was, to which Adam replied,
"Hiding behind this bush sire, for we are naked." "And who told you that you
were naked? You ate from that tree, didn’t you?" Of course, there is neverending
symbolism I can get into here, as the bible itself says it is written with
symbolism and code, on purpose, and due to the limitations of our brains.
So God covered man’s shame and gave him clothes, ‘to cover his shame’.
‘And since man has eaten from the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, we
must not also let him eat from the tree of eternal life, otherwise he will
become JUST LIKE US.’ So he banished us from this paradise, etc. etc. And we
learned pride, our big downfall. And we said in our hearts that we want to be
like God, to be God.