email database list of translation companies agencies

Database Emails List of 12,000+ Translators

Need to contact some translators? We have several options for you:

  • subscribe here for free so that translators can send you their applications
  • for $200 write an email to our complete list of 12,000+ translators asking them to apply to your company. If you would like to address only some of the translators which meet certain criteria, such as language combination(s) or subjects of specialization, we can do that also.
  • for $500 you may purchase our database of translators, complete with such fields as their language combinations, experience, education, contact information, our own comments concerning their quality and other factors, and much more. The database is in Microsoft Access and can be exported to any format, or we can help you import the data into your own software. Or you may purchase our complete translation accounting software (in MSA format).

Here is a screenshot of a record (rest of the information on scrolling down – not available here):

database emails list of translators

If you are interested please feel free to contact us by email, or though our email form.