[These pages concern interesting correspondence between our translators and project managers at KENAX, mostly concerning the famous Jade Dynasty translation project.]

French English Text Work

Actually it’s a a VERY DIFFICULT file with so many tags…
I’m on it, still struggling through.
All things being equal, I think I can submit this file in the next two to three hours.


I’m in the process of transferring the allocation of files to , so you should expect such quirks. He does not have access to the same information as I do. But I’m slowly transferring it.


I have some free time today so I can cope with 2 or 3 files, I think.




Do you have some files for me today?



Look, here are two difficult files.

In these files you must make sure that English corresponds to French and was no shifting (I don’t need you to translate, usually if it shifted you see two very different cells in one row.)

Additionally, you need to make sure commands of the game are located correctly , corresponding to same expressions/sentences like in English.

And – you should check the alignment of the text INSIDE the cell. When you click on a cell in MSExcell, the content of the cell appears in the function line above the working plane. Inside you can see the actual aligning of the rows in the cell. Click on the English, and see that the text is aligned in same number of lines. If there is some very long line in French, which should be split into two lined (you compaire with English), you place the cursor on the location where you want to break the line and press Ale+Enter. You will see in the function line that the text had been realigned into two lines. Try to make line breaks after comma, before “die”, “sie” “der”, “des”, “di”; or after und etc. Follow logic. And nothing will happen in you will choose not the best location.

Please confirm.

These are not very easy files, please dedicate time and make sure they are properly done.



Here are your FRENCH FILES:

Please confirm!


Please let me know if we are expecting for some work today, or can plan the day.




I forgot to mention, that in these files you must make sure that English corresponds to French and was no shifting (I don’t need you to translate, usually if it is shifted you see very different cells in one row – in one lot of text and in one few, or different commands.)


Well, I was checking those files for all these problems, but I was inconsiderate, excuse me for this. I think It would be better to continue with less files, and later, If you saw that I’m doing well it can be more of them.


I’ve been waiting for you to get on line.

There is work:
Revetting French:


Please pay attention very well not to shift segments. I had been checking today file 16g, and I found that lines 48 and 49 are same in German, and different in English. It is a serious fault, these kind of things should not happen. I checked on which step of file processing did this happen, and it was on revetting with you. Same about the one of the disappearing segments that I told you about few days ago.
I believe these shifts happened because of the vetting system you use – pasting cells. I suggest you to stop using it. I can afford that it will take you longer time to revet a file, but I can not afford the need to revet all files myself before I deliver. There will be no problem with a missed lost hyphen, but there will be a problem with segments shifts and deletions.

Please confirm.


I recieved files.
” Ulrich, I apologize for the mess. As Karel said, I do not have access to the same information he has, causing me to make the wrong decision from time to time. Hopefully this will happen only rarely or, better yet, not at all in the future.

“ok, sorry for this. I was trying to find the best way.
I think I was loosing my touch… If you want I can re-view all my re-vetting without putting time spend on the house report (I ll do it separately from you assignment).
I was waiting for the assignment since the morning, and I have got your response when I was already near the door.If you dont mind, I ll do it in 1-1,5 hour.




Also, if you want, if you leave soon, you can assign and assign me. I confirm all soon I am back and will be able to finish the most till tomorrow you are at work.



I usually wait for e-mail that a PM is ready to work, then I assign something. I don’t like when I message someone and a file disappears into vast space of time, to pop up many hours later, when I could have done it myself. So when you are ready to begin – just send a message. I will keep dropping here files, but I need most of them before I go to sleep.


Okay, .

Here is a file for you:
French JD_100201_Localize_10s

I want it not in 30 minutes, and I want it well done. It is a simple file, but in this files you must make sure that English corresponds to French and was no shifting (I don’t need you to translate, usually if it is shifted you see very different cells in one row – in one lot of text and in one few, or different commands.)

Please – follow the instructions, no improvisations, list EVERYTHING, attention to + (plus) marks, to list them as comments and in the table. NO EMPTY RED CELLS – you’ve got something to say – please express yourself that both I and proofreader will understand you.

Confirm receipt.


Please let me know availability, I expect inflow of files tomorrow-day after tomorrow.

Please take French JD_100201_Localize_18n

It is a difficult file.
In this kind of files you must make sure that English corresponds to French and was no shifting (I don’t need you to translate, usually if it shifted you see two very different cells in one row.)

Additionally, you need to make sure commands of the game are located correctly , corresponding to same expressions/sentences like in English.

And – you should check the alignment of the text INSIDE the cell. When you click on a cell in MSExcell, the content of the cell appears in the function line above the working plane. Inside you can see the actual aligning of the rows in the cell. Click on the English, and see that the text is aligned in same number of lines. If there is some very long line in French, which should be split into two lined (you compaire with English), you place the cursor on the location where you want to break the line and press Ale+Enter. You will see in the function line that the text had been realigned into two lines. Try to make line breaks after comma, and in other logical location in the sentence. And nothing will happen in you will choose not the best location.

Please confirm.

These are not very easy files, please dedicate time and make sure they are properly done.
If you are not working in Microsoft Office, please let me know ASAP and do not work on the file (in Open Office it is not possible to correct aligning inside the cells).


If you are not working in Microsoft Office, please let me know ASAP and do not work on the files (in Open Office it is not possible to correct aligning inside the cells)!


I work in Microsoft office.
I have already vetted the first file.
I tried hard to check it as accurate as it is possible, there were some mistakes, but touching aligning everything was fine.
So I continue working at this task.



I’m hoping that you are available this evening. If you are let me know. I have a file that a proofreader says is badly translated and yet the translator insists is fine.

If you are available, can you fix the file? Also, how much are you charging for such a job? The file itself is fully translated. If you want to take a look at it first it’s currently in

The filename is:

Let me know. Thanks.



Alright, I can start checking this file in one hour or so.
It looks fine, but I’ll double check everything, it will be the same price as a spellchecking: $20/hour, and I think it won’t need more than 1h / 1h30.
I keep you posted!



S” OK ,I am starting working ”

Everything is clear. I did this in previous files. I take this file.

You can also rely on me this weekend.

P.S. If you have files to work, please, assign me a few every day.


I appreciate this. It’s good to get a direct reply like this to my considerations.

With a project like this one, working for people that I never meet, it’s sometimes hard to estimate situations in the proper way and react appropriately. For example, this was not the first time that I was told there’s more translation work and then it turned out to be a mistake.

Thanks for your understanding


I would assign you files, but you didn’t show up! When you are available, send me a message and files will be assigned.


I have finished vetting.
I had difficults with vetting of the 2nd file (JD_100201_Localize_18k). All frases there were broken in French exactly like in English. But some frases in French were so long that they didn’t fit into one row of that function window which displays the text of the chosen cell. I wasn’t sure, if I can make any brakes there ifthere are no brakes in this frases in English. I made a comment in front of every cell like this. Please, check this moment and inform me how I should act the next time.


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